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La revista REVIEW FOR RELIGIOUS la publica la Universidad Saint Louis de los jesuitas en USA



Some of the articles in this issue of Review for Religious are interactive, having prayers, psalms, and points for personal prayer and reflection. You can find the full text of these articles and material for reflection and prayer by clicking on the GO icon next to the interactive articles. Readers are invited and encouraged to share their reflections and comments through letters or e-mails.



Prisms:Christmas to Easter: a "moment" in God's action to makeus one with God in Christ.

The Liturgical Seasons

John's Seasonable Words: Christmas, Lent, and Easter

Andrew Ryder SCJuses the readings from John during the Christmas, Lent, and Easter seasons to show the Lectionary's help in hearing/reading God's word meditatively. He teaches theology and church history at All Hallows College and writes from 66 Inchicore Road; Dublin 8, Ireland. <>

Excerpts: "The only-begotten Son's birth in time is the Father's supreme gift to the world. . . .Since the followers of Jesus share the divine light they must reflect that light. . . . The foot washing refers in the first place to the saving grace of his passion. . . . He is lifted up, ascends his royal throne, and takes his place between two thieves. . . . By her tears Mary Magdalene shows both her love and her lack of understanding. . . . Communion with the Father and the Son requires communion among the disciples."

The Suffering and Death of Jesus

Julius D. Leloczky OCist tells a German folktale to enter us into a reflection on

the new heart humankind received in the life and death and resurrection of Jesus.

Excerpts: "Through the passion and death of the one man, Jesus, the heartof stone was removed from every human being wishing to live a new, fuller, richer life, and it was replaced by a feeling, compassionate human heart. . . . "

Livng the Gospel

The Prayer of Jesus

Richard Gribble CSC seeks to advance our personal and communal conversation with God by looking at the prayer of Jesus as described in the Gospels. He is associate provessor in religious studies at Stonehill College; 408 Washington Street; North Easton, Massachusetts. <>

Excerpts: "Jesus' life as the ultimate pray-er presents a great challenge tohis followers—we must pray as he did. . . . Jesus emphasized private prayer, but he also acknowledged the need for prayer in community. . . . Sin is seen as a debt owed to God, a debt one cannot pay. . . . Jesus seeks a more than silence, a stillness of the heart."

My Gospel Spirituality

Richard M. Nahman OSA describes through various examples how his experiences provide the "music" which puts him—body, mind, and spirit—in harmony with the divine in his life. He first wrote this for an ecumenical clery assembly. He lives in Bronx, New York. <>

Excerpt: "Walking among us, Jesuswas a salesman. . . . The rhythm of Matthew 25 is what now gives consonance with the strings of my spirit.

Christian Models

The Feminine Genius of Mary Ward and Calcutta's Teresa

Robert Conroy MC shows similarities in the lives and charisms of these two well-known founders of religius communities. He is superior general of the priestly branch of the Missionaries of Charity family. He lives in San Diego, California.

Excerpts: "Mary Ward would see houses spring up in England, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Austria, Bohemia, and Hungary. . . . Mary Ward was pioneer in the religious life. . . . She remained faithful to her call and fervent in her obedience."

Situating St. Joseph: Like Wife, Like Husband

John M. Samaha SM reflects on the richness of the vocation of St. Joseph, especially as seen through the lens of Mary's vocation. He currently works at Villa St. Joseph in Cupertino, California. <>

Excerpts: "Devotion to St. Joseph is in reality a facet of devotion to Mary."

Finding God

A Hidden Blessing

Megan Kate Taylor, a convert to the Greek Orthodox faith, describs with gratefull feeling the worldview her limited vision enables her to have. She writes from Kingsgrove, Australia her email address is <>.

Excerpts: "I feel guilty when I have to ask for help. . . . Orthodoxy is responsible for my renewed sense of safety, centeredness, and confidence."

Transfiguration and Motivation

Damian C. Ilodigwe emhazies that the transfiguration of the Lord is a powerful reminder that our destiny as disciples of Jesus is tied to the destiny of the crucified and risen Savior. Father Ilodigwe is a preist and lecturer in philosophy at Ss. Peter and paul Major Seminary in Ibadan Nigeria. <>

Excerpts: "The transfiguration would counter balance the shock of Jesus' passion and death. . . . In our time the Lord's transfiguration serves much the same purpose it served in the lives of the apostles."

A Guide for Religious Beginning Spiritual Direction

Melvin C. blanchette SS and Robert P. Maloney CM offer directors and directees an introductory survey of Christian mentoring's what, why, and how. Fathers Blanchette and Maloney are both at Theological College in Washington D.C.

Excerpts: "Christian spirituality is our experience of being in a gifted faith-filled relationship with Christ."


Scripture Scope: A Preface to Reading
Eugene Hensell OSB continues his Scripture essays, a regular feature of each issue of Review for Religious. Fr. Hensell travels about giving retreats and workshops his home is at St. Meinrad Archabbey in Indiana.

Canonical Counsel:The Role of Law in the Church
Elizabeth McDonough OP continues her on-going series of canonical information and reflection. She serves as canonical counsultant for many religious communities and for several dioceses. She is Bishop Griffin Professor of Canon Law at the Pontifical College Josephinum.

The Task,
by Mary Alban Bouchard CSJ
This Morning a Dove, by Irene Zimmerman OSF
Another Lent,
by Patricia Schnapp RSM
Sonnet to the Huge, by M. Doretta Cornell RDC

Book Reviews

Quest for the Living God: Mapping Frontiers in the Theology of God. By Elizabeth A. Johnson CSJ reviewed by Eileen Jaramillo.

Basil Moreau: Founder of Holy Cross. By Gary MacEoin and revised byJoel Giallanza CSC reviewed by Sue Pabnlovich MSC.

Book Shelf Life

Mini reviews by Philip Fischer SJ