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Revista SEMINARIUM publicada por la Congregación para la Educación Católica. Revista de pensamiento vocacional.



Z. Grocholewski , Università cattoliche-Università ecclesiastiche

J.M. Miller , Presentazione e senso del Seminario

A. Vincenzo Zani , Il "Processo di Bologna"

J. Sadlak , The Participation of Unesco

S. Bergan, The Importande of International Institutions

Z. Grocholewski , L´heritage culturel européen qui nous interpelle

Guido Possa , Indirizzo di saluto

B. Weitgrubber , Making Europè a strong Partner for Global Cooperation in Higher Education

S. Bergan , The European Cultural Heritage: its Identity and Challenges

H. de Ridder-Symoens, L´université comme héritage culturel européen: une approche historique

J. Miroslaw Zycinski , The European Cultural Heritage: its Identity and Challenge

V. Filippov , Discours au participants au Séminaire

J. Lacunza Balda , Cultural Interaction, Interreligious Dialogue and the European Higher Education Area

J. Sadlak , The Academic Values od the European University and its Contemporary Relevance

B. Magyar, Storia e tradizione, guardando al domani

Th. Berchem , The Academic Values of the European University and its Contemporary Relevance

M. Braga , The Academic Values of the European University and its Contemporary Relevance

P. Blasi , I valori dell´Università europea

D. Mac Síthig , La grande forza delle diversità

G. Ghirlanda, Welcome Address

M. Fazio , The Pontifical Ecclesiastical Universities of Rome

J. Figel , Searching for a new Balance: the Next Frontier for Europe´s Higher Education

Fr. Imoda , The European University: its Cultural Legitinacy and rol in constructing Europe

R. Etchegaray, L´Université d´aujourd´hui: au croisement des cultures et des religions

A. Marga , The Cultural Legitimacy of European University

R. S. Sirat , Insuffler une âme aux universités européennes

V. L. Haanes , Unity in Diversity and Diversity in Unity

M. Lagarde , Une éducation à la mixité culturelle de l´Europe

J. M. Miller, The Cultural Heritage and Academic Values of the European University and the Attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area

Fr. Campbell , The Bologna Process anh Higher Education in the Context of Europe and Globalization

Z. Grocholewski , Adresse d´hommage au Saint-Père Benoît XVI

Discorso di Sua Santità Benedetto XVI: L´Università a servizio dell´uomo