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La revista REVIEW FOR RELIGIOUS la publica la Universidad Saint Louis de los jesuitas en USA



Prisms: "The celebration of the Pauline Year has stimulated a large number of books on the person and writings of St. Paul. . . In his letter to Titus Paul make a summary statement about how much the Spirit is truly the Giver of life. . . . Early on in his First Letter to the Corinthians Paul asks "Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?". . . And in Paul's Letter to the Romans we receive the richest understanding of our prayer as Christians."

Mission and Ministry

Paul's Dynamic Mission Principles: A Missioner's Reflection

James H. Kroeger MM shares with us ten "mission principles" valid for Paul of Tarsus and for today's Pauls as well—the result of his own reflections as a missionary and a meditative reading of St. Paul. Father Kroeger is a missionary in Asia since 1970. He is professor os systematic theology, missiology, and Islamics at the Loyola School of Theology in Quezon City Philippines. <>

Excerpts: "All of Paul's writings speak of his love for Christ, his identification with Christ. . . . His writings frequently and spontaneously express his affection. . . . Paul labored unceasingly, always ascribing any missionary success to God."

Franciscan Approach to Ministry

Daniel P. Horan OFM reflects on Francis of Assisi's life and writings and suggests that the five characteristics that emerge provide a helpful paradigm for all pastoral ministers in the church. He has written on Franciscan theology, philosophy, and spirituality. He lives in Silver Spring, Maryland. <>

Excerpts: "Francis was less concerned about what someone did in the world than about how someone did it. . . . One's own conversion, if it is a Franciscan one, should lead toward others and away from one's own self. . . . A Franciscan approach to mnistry must always flow from a life of prayer."

Discipleship and Walking by Faith

Damian C. Ilodigwe, along with Abraham and the apostle Thomas, shows that discipleship needs deep faith daily. Fr. Ilodigwe wrote for us in 2008, he is a lecturer in philosophy at Ss. Peter and Paul Major Seminary in Nigeria. <>

Excerpts: "In the life of Abraham we find an example of childlike faith. . . . Abram's age of seventy-five is significant, emphasizing the inconvenience. . . . Without evidence we are likely to feel disconnected. . . . Faith transcends the evidence of the empirical sciences."

Renewing Religious Traditions

Reparation and the Sacred Heart: A New Intrepretation

Virginia M. Herbers ASCJ suggests a new understanding of reparation which speaks to the lived reality of the Body of Christ in a global community as well as to the Christian mission to live a life of service. Sister Virginia is vocation director of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and director of Queen of Apostles Spirituality Center in Imperial, Missouri.<>

Excerpts: "Devotion to the Sacred Heart has traditionally been understood as an icon of God's love for humanity. . . . The three vows constitute a unique expression of Sacred Heart devotion, corresponding to specific characteristics of incarnate love. . . . In the profession of poverty, devotion to the broken heart of Christ is made tangible through responding to the suffering of his heart in the poor of today's world. . . . The focus of God's forgiveness in Christ is less on a word that is spoken to assuage guilt and more on a transformation of relationships—with God and with other human beings."

Being Heard, Being Healed: Learning from the Quaker Tradition

James H. Schimelpfening SM shares his refreshing experience of community that came from a series of six seasonal retreats based onthe Quaker tradition and the work of Parker Palmer. He lives at Marianist Community, Meyer Hall in Dayton, Ohio.

Excerpt: "It is all too easy to focus on what is different and what is perceived to be 'wrong,' instead of experiencing what is right. . . . What most people desire is to be heard and honored. . . . The retreats were distinctly reflective and contemplative, with time for being alone and time for sharing with another or with the entire circle. . . . Such decision making demands great patience and a strong commitment to the process."

Reviewing Outward Signs

Religious Habits Reconsidered

Doris Gottemoeller RSM looks over changes of habit and other changes and raises some thoughtful questions about what is not past, having been passed with a view to the future. She is with Catholic Healthcare Partners in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Excerpts: "The clothing ceremony at the beginning of novitiate signified a new identity. . . . Why didn't this updated havit, which responded to the conciliar mandate, last? . . . Religious life essentially communitarian embraced, or at least permitted, wider personal choice. . . We often reveal our identity through our demeanor, through our conduct and remarks. . . We missed opportunities to enlist the laity's support for our renewal."

On Wearing a Habit, from My Perspective

Patricia McCarthy CND shares her experience of responding to God's grace in giving witness to her religious consecration in order to help us all to question our freedom in responding to God's grace in our own call. Sister Patricia is currently the associate provincial of her congregation's United States province. She lives in Wilton, Connecticut. <>

Excerpts: "I did not care what people thought of me, but I did care that they knew to whom I belonged. . . . Special treatment has never been an effect of the habit for me. . . I am sure there are people who are turned off because of my habit."


Scripture Scope: The Gospel of St. Paul
Eugene Hensell OSB continues his Scripture essays, a regular feature of each issue of Review for Religious. Fr. Hensell travels about giving retreats and workshops his home is at St. Meinrad Archabbey in Indiana.

Canonical Counsel:Response to the Role of Law in the Church
Elizabeth McDonough OP continues her on-going series of canonical information and reflection. She serves as canonical counsultant for many religious communities and for several dioceses. She is Bishop Griffin Professor of Canon Law at the Pontifical College Josephinum.



Foot Washing,
by Patricia Schnapp RSM
Tempest, by Irene Zimmerman OSF
The Motherhouse, by Bonnie Thurston

Book Reviews

A Guide to the Church: Its Origin and Nature, Its Mission and Ministries. By Lawrence B. Porter reviewed by Daniel B. Gallagher.

Book • Shelf • Life

Mini reviews by Philip Fischer SJ